Sometimes, there may be loss of teeth, which is the main tool that enables chewing in case of oral blows or unsalvageable caries. There are various treatment methods for people with tooth loss, and these treatment methods differ according to how many teeth are missing, the location of the missing tooth, and the surface on which the tooth/teeth will be fixed. The most commonly preferred treatment method for incomplete dental treatment is implant application. Implant application is a treatment method for patients with a suitable jawbone. Implant treatment, which is performed by placing a screw-like mechanism on the jawbone and adding a tooth-like structure, provides a practical solution to the missing tooth problem with its long-lasting use.
What is Implant and How is it Applied?
The implant is a treatment for people with missing teeth. The implant, which is applied to people who have lost one or more teeth for various reasons, is fixed on the jawbone. For people whose jawbone is not suitable, the ground is created in various artificial or alternative ways to make the implant. The implant, which is a screw-like formation fixed to the surface where the missing tooth should be found regardless of its artificial or natural bone structure, is produced in different types according to its structure, the material it is made of and the characteristics of the surface it will be fixed on. While the implant, which is generally made of metal, is preferred to compensate for the losses seen in the posterior teeth, the metal appearance may cause aesthetic anxiety in anterior tooth losses. In such a case, zirconium implants are preferred as an alternative that is very durable and can be used with health for people with metal allergies, just like metal implants.
Implant application, which replaces the missing tooth, is a very long-lasting treatment option regardless of which type is used. Implant treatment is applied not only in the case of single or multiple tooth loss but also for people who experience whole tooth loss. The implant provides a safe service to people in case of any tooth loss, creating a solid ground for the placement of fixed or movable prostheses in the mouth. Of course, there are some points to be considered for the smooth and long-lasting use of implants. One of these issues is oral and dental care. Because implants are damaged when oral hygiene is neglected, just like teeth. Routine oral care should be performed at least 2 times a day for 120 seconds to prevent damage to the gingiva and jawbone on which the implants are fixed due to bacteria. In addition, the use of appropriate oral care water and the use of dental floss will also be sufficient to protect oral hygiene. It should be kept in mind that neglecting oral hygiene will in any case fail the treatments applied and cause healthy teeth to encounter new problems.
Why An Implant Application?
An alternative treatment to implant application is bridge prosthesis application. However, to perform bridge prosthesis application, there must be some suitability in the mouth. For bridge prosthesis application, the teeth around the location of the missing tooth should be complete first. The teeth around the cavity due to missing teeth need to be cut and reduced. With the support of the reduced teeth, a prosthesis will be added to the area where the missing tooth is located. There is no need for this support in implant applications. Because the point where the implant will be applied is the surface where the tooth roots are located. Having a suitable bone structure here will allow the implant to be placed easily. Implants that can be placed in other teeth in the mouth without any intervention are used as a more commonly preferred treatment application due to their protective nature.