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Many people develop impacted wisdom tooth. An impacted wisdom tooth may erupt only partially or not at all. It rarely grows at a right angle. Even if the tooth fully or partially erupted, you might experience gum infection or decay since the wisdom tooth is in a position where it is hard to clean. It can cause terrible pain if the impacted wisdom tooth grows at an angle toward the next tooth or jawbone. This pain may often move towards the head and throat. In this case the wisdom tooth must be extracted.

Pain-Free Procedure and Post-Operative Care

An impacted or partially erupted wisdom tooth is extracted with a dental surgery. You will experience no pain during this operation which is performed under local anesthesia. The dentist stitches the wound and finalizes the operation by checking if there is bleeding. But there are things to pay attention to post-extraction, which are very important for recovery, and you will receive instructions from the dentist about them.

After the extraction, it is normal to feel pain which can be managed with an over-the-counter reliever, have swelling, bruising, and restriction in opening your mouth, but they will disappear as you recover.