Zirconium crowns are often confused with porcelain veneers. These procedures are different from each other but provide similar results and are essentially aimed at achieving an aesthetic appearance. The zirconium coating is applied by covering the tooth surface with a heat-resistant zirconium material that permanently changes the colour of the teeth. The process makes the teeth look much whiter and smoother and makes your teeth much more durable than before. This type of coating, which protects its hardness against any breakage that may occur on the tooth surface, has other advantages as well as durability and whiteness. The most striking is that the zirconium coating is a process that is completely compatible with the natural tissues. Thus, it is not possible to have a reaction in the treated areas as a result of any side effects in the gums.
Zirconium coating is very popular because of its advantages. It is especially preferred for anterior teeth, and the color of the supporting materials used towards the root of the tooth is of great importance in terms of aesthetic appearance. In porcelain veneers, these substances create a bad appearance towards the gums as they are metal-colored. Therefore, it is generally not preferred for the coating of anterior teeth. However, the supporting materials used in the zirconium coating are light-colored and the aesthetic of the smile is preserved after the procedure.
How Are Zirconium Crowns Fitted?
Teeth are coated for various reasons. One of these reasons is the repair of fractures and chips in the tooth. Some other reasons are the removal of abrasions on the tooth surface and increasing the tooth’s durability. The coating processes vary depending on the material used. Currently, the most commonly used dental veneers are zirconium veneers and porcelain veneers. As these procedures are performed with local anesthesia, the patient does not experience any pain or tingling sensation.
Zirconium coating is especially preferred for removing colour changes in anterior teeth and non-aesthetic appearances caused by fractures. A local anesthetic is applied by injecting thin needles to the area to be covered with zirconium. After the area is completely numbed, the tooth surface is thinned a little and space is made for the ideal sized crown. Once the thinning process is complete, the colour of the zirconium coating is chosen to make it look compatible with the other teeth in the mouth. It takes about 5 days to prepare the size of the tooth to be coated and the colour chosen. The zirconium coating, which is attached onto the tooth with special adhesives, is followed up for 10 days to check its compatibility inside the patient’s mouth. After all the procedures, the zirconium crown can continue to be used with regular checks to the doctor’s office.
Why Is It Preferable Compared to Other Veneers?
Zirconium coating has recently been more preferrable than alternative methods due to the advantages it provides. The main reason for this is the naturalness and compatibility of the zirconium material with the teeth and oral tissues. Thanks to the biocompatibility of the material, zirconium veneer teeth never harm the tissues around the areas that they are applied. Because it is so similar to the original structure of the tooth, it reflects the light hitting the tooth surface just as a natural tooth would, creating natural looking teeth with its slightly transparent appearance. In the zirconium coating application, where the sensitivity is felt to a minimum, the teeth are thinned less. This makes zirconium more preferred than other treatment methods. It provides a great advantage in terms of aesthetic appearance compared to other applications, since metal is not used in the materials applied to the bottom of the tooth, as in alternative applications to zirconium coating such as porcelain coating. As zirconium coating is an application that can maintain its quality for up to 10 years with regular care, it is a frequently preferred option.